torstai 25. huhtikuuta 2013

Ongelma ratkaistu/problem solved!

So, I'm trying to start writing this blog th9s way: the text is first in Finnish. Then the photos and descriptions in both and then in English. Let's see how this is going to turn out.

So, in Finnish/Suomeksi:

Pohdin ja pohdin ja pähkäilin ja pähkäilin ja tulin siihen tulokseen, että kopioin idean blogista Kootut murut.

Siis sen, miten hoidan tämän kieliongelmani suhteessa blogin kirjoittamiseen. Jotenkin ajatus pelkästä englanninkielisestä blogista häiristi, mutta sitten taas täysin suomeksi kirjoitettu rajaisi teoreettista yleisöä pois aika reippaasti.
Joten tulen kirjoittamaan blogia tästä eteenpäin, kunnes muutan taas mieltäni, molemmilla kielillä.
Tosin sillä erotuksella, että kirjoitan ensin suomeksi, lisäilen kuvat ja loppuun kirjoitan jaksamisen mukaan about saman sisällön englanninkielellä. Dunno, toimiiko tämä idea pitkässä juoksussa, mutta kokeillaan nyt kuitenkin sitä.

Rehellisesti sanottuna, tässä on kaikki mitä minulla on tänään annettavana. Meillä piti olla (osuuskunnan kanssa) pieni myyntipöytä paikallisessa tapahtumassa, mutta se peruttiin joten nyt olen lähinnä ihmetelly ihanaa säätä ikkunan tuolla puolen, rapsutellut koiraa, juonut kahvia ja ihmetellyt että mitä sitä tekisi. Päädyin kirjoittamaan tänne. Ehkäpä nappaan nyt muutaman päivän luettavana olleen Slaughterin Kultaisen saaren ja siirryn sen ja ison teemukin kanssa ulos. Kuulostaa suunnitelmalta, vai mitä? Ja puhun nyt Frank G. Slaughterista. En siitä toisesta joka elää edelleen.
Olen pohtinut jo hetken messu- ja heräteostosystävällistä artikkelia, jossa voisin kuitenkin edes jollain tavoin hyödyntää kultasepänalan artesaanitutkintoani. Viimeviikko menikin näiden parissa. Eilen illalla tosin tajusin, että Kooky Gems tekee jo vastaavia tuotteita, mutta toivon löytäväni omanlaiseni tyylin joka vetoaa myöskin ihmisiin. Kuvassa siis vanhoista LP-levyistä sahattuja kaulakoru ja korvakoruaihioita.
I've been trying to figure out something a bit cheaper to be sold on trade fairs. And maybe to courage to buy stuff without planning it for days or weeks. Last week I spent with these and last night I realized that Kooky Gems does this kind of product too. I'm hoping to find out my personal touch to interest people. Oh and what are these? They are soon-to-be earrings and necklaces made out of old LP-records

Entisen kouluni takana on purkutyömaa, olen jo syksystä lähtien kaavaillut hyväksikäyttäväni tilaisuuden ja kuvaamalla siellä pienen sarjan. Nyt sekä ajoitus, että sääolosuhteet olivat puolellani. Niin ja turhan usein viimeaikoina kotiin jäänyt kamera mukana.
Nearby my former school there is this old house that has become demolition site during the end of last year. I've been planning to do some photoshooting there and finally the weather and timing was on my side. Not to mention the fact that I finally had my camera with me. I've forgotten to take it with for few times more than I had hoped for.

Ensimmäinen mielleyhtymäni oli raunioitunut temppeli kun näin paikan, jossa ennen oli sisäänkäynti tähän puutaloon.
My first association, when I saw the place where used to be the entrance to this once-wooden-house, was ruined temple. 

Niin ihastuttava. Ummmmm. Ilme. Yleensä hymyilen kuin joku idiootti, joten tänään sain aikaiseksi vain irvistyksiä...
Such a lovely. Ummmm. Face. I always smile like some idiot, so today I only got  these grinns...

In English

First I must apologize that this post doesn't include any kind of true content. But finally I was able to make up my mind about how to write this. Writing fully on English felt a bit clumsy, since it's not my mother tongue. But then again using only Finnish would line down the (hopefully-to-be) readers a lot. So from now on I'll start with Finnish, then some photos and after that I'll do my best to write it down in English too. The cpations will be the same way: first in Finnis and then in English.

And to be honest. That's all I had to say today. We were supposed to have a trade fair or so, of some sort today, but it got cancelled and after that I've just been wondering what to do today. I ended up drinking loads of coffee, scratching the dog, enjoying the weather (outside the wondow, yes, I'm that sad humanbeing) and writing this down. Hmmm. Maybe I'll take that Frank G. Slaughter I've been reading for few days (the Golden Isle) and go outside with it and a huge mug of tea. Sounds like a plan?


torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2013

Bang baby, bang!

Dramatic, right?

I'm dying with the decision of whether to use English or not.

The problem is. Some stuff can't be written in English because of the differences in languages, but then again I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with Finnish either. Can I just sign to you?

Like this:


Did it work?

I thought so too.

Sharing love is easy, it doesn't need any language, not written, not spoken. But anything else except some feelings are extremely hard to share without any words. I mean. I could try to play Pictionary here too?

I think I'll just use it all to make a beautiful mess. I mean. It's my blog and my rules!

My parents should have done better work. Nah, they tried their best. I'm just hopeless case.

Yours truly, I thought that I smiled, but then again, no.8D 

So today we went to Eura to shop some goodies at Sar-Machine Oy. Yesterday my last thought (before falling to sleep) was TAKE CAMERA WITH YOU. I should have made myself to do it, but I just couldn't. My bed was too soft. So, I forgot it. Getting up before seven was quite early for me. I'm glad I made it.

Did some (more) shopping (than I was going to), but got only stuff that I r e a l l y need. Mostly tools. Some "hand held steel based manual cutting devices"(as one of my friend described 'cause I felt like saw blade is too dull word to be used) for my saw, aka blades. And well. Stuff.8D

The Stuff. And yes, that's my extremely fashionable work chair that is covered  with spots of "leopard" and some crochet. Sadly you can't see the extremely fashionable green color it has. And don't worry if you don't get the stuff that's there, neither do I. I just know that I need those.

Next week our co-operative (from now on I'll be calling it coop) is having a table at local rummage sale. Last time we had a table at Designtori. It wen well, I mean. I got one pair of earrings sold.<: I should be more active 'tou.

1. Photograph all my works. (haven't still done it)
2. Do it well, more better than to this point.
3. And update the stuff I've done. Still a lot to learn. I'm on my way.

So that's why I'll be (hopefully) working this weekend. To make some cheaper items to fit my "It's used? Use it again"-philosophy.

Basically I love blogs with loads and loads of photos, and still mine is turning out more than just filled with horrible ranting.

Try to be patient. I try to remember to shoot the fuck up. I mean, to photograph it all.


your, well, me.

torstai 11. huhtikuuta 2013


Honestly, it should say "IOLO"


And it's a fact.

One friend saw me last week. She said that I looked "purposeful" while walking.

Few days later it hit me. I'm the exact opposite.

When I was something around 16, I had goals. Nothing specific, but IDEAS of what I should do with my life. What I'd want to be and to become.

I lived. Outside.

Right now I'm just floating. No, that's a lie. Floating would mean that I'd feel somewhat free.

I'm stuck. That's what I am.

And browsing the webz. One friend called me the meme-lady. Because I know my memes. Not as well as some may think. But way too well anyways.

I've graduated about 5 months ago. It's almost half of a year. I'm still stuck in this tiny place I call home 'cause I've lived here long enough to get used to the neighborhood and the life has got experienced.

I'm not satisfied with the way things are.

I'm not bored. I've got plenty to do.

It's not the problem.

The problem is, I don't know what to do with the time I've been given.

This is my life.

I don't want the IOnlyLivedOnline to be my last thought when this all ends.

I'd prefer it to be something like this. When I still had a life. Photo taken by my awesome, talented friend.

This is my statement for living.



