lauantai 4. joulukuuta 2010

To create and to be and to do-be-do-be-doo.

Do you have to be annoyingly depressed person to be able to create some real deep shit?

So, I put this blog up in fall of 2010. Back then I had the idea of updating here about my "creative projects". I'm not sure about the creative-part anymore. To be honest. I'm not sure about anything at all.
I'm not even sure if the language should be finnish or english. In the name of fair game I should probably give swedish a chance too. I mean. No matter what the language is I'll be known for the mis-typings and nonchalant behaviour of my own spelling. So I'm quite sure that depending on my mood the language will change, many many times.

Back then I was overwhelmed byt the fact that I had started to do stuff again. And less than a month later I stopped it, again. Once more.
Now I'm re-writing the opening for this thing that is to be called A BLOG.

In the name of honesty, I'm a mess. To everyone else my life is a mess too. So is my home. And everything I have got anything to do with. So I'm quite sure that if I'm able to start blogging even somewhat regularly it's going to take quite a while to figure out what kind of a blog this ends up being.

So, maybe I should list down the stuff I'm into to get a more clear view?


But then again, I'm not one of those who are into cameras. I've been using the same lens/objective/what so ever (see what I ment?) that came with my EOS 1000D when I bought it (summer 2008 was it?), the one with Image Stabilizer. So it's more like I'll be filling this blog with photos more than talking about photography itself.
When it comes to photography I don't 'belive' into photoshopping. Cropping is the only thing I do, if I do something. In my opinion a photographer should learn to take photos that look good without 'shoppin' them. And when it comes to portraits, well, I feel like we've seen quite too much of "a bit re-touched" portraits.
What I appriciate in digital cameras is the fact that I can learn to shoot where the actions happening, no need to try and hope for the best. I can see right away if I was right at all about the position and the lighting. Hmm, seems like my listing is turning out as ranting. So to the next subject. Maybe I should just list stuff here, and then do update about each part and how it affects my life etc?

Yeah, that I'll do.

Clothing (vintage, fashion, what ever, you name it, I'll rant. Again.8D )

I tried to search for a photo that would work as an example of my realtionship with clothing, but realized that there wasn't only one photo to describe it. Except me, smiling. Because that's what clothes do to me, make me smile.
(Btw, if you are against leather etc, please, leave now. I'm the person who eats meat and rather uses fur, since it's way more ecological than fake materials.)

Under this "category" goes too making new ones (I have to take a decent photo of my graduationpartydress that I made last month) and modifying old ones. I've done that ever since 7th grade or so. Biggest problem seems to be taking before, w-i-p and after -photos. But here is the result of my latest one, inspired by a trip to Great, Stunning America a bit less than a year ago and as you can see, fashion too.

And in the pic up above you can see small part of that next interest, a 5-year-old dachshund bitch.

I'm not much of a dogperson. I'm not that much into pets at all. I do like animals, but didn't plan to have a dog of my own at least not n o w. She just surprised me a bit less than year ago by stealing my heart. Not saying that it has been easy road to become a person with dog but haven't regretted it at all. But, she has become something I tend to call Liebchen, daily.

And this is getting out of my hands no.8D No one will read a post this long.oO So I'll end this one here and think about this stuff for a while. Hopefully I'll return to this within a few days.

Today is a good day to start, if you didn't start already. So live.